Seymour unveils study of Burkart expansion possibilities

A new study outlines plans to help Seymour grow along its recently fully opened Burkart Boulevard Bypass in what officials are calling an opportunity zone.

The Jackson County Industrial Development Corporation worked with the Brookings Institute to release the study this week.

The corporation, the city and the Community Foundation of Jackson County were the core team that worked with the institute to develop the study. There were also community focus groups including employees of Pet Supplies Plus, Aisin, Seymour Young Professionals and leaders of the Margaret R. Brown Elementary School.

The city’s population grew from just over 17,500 in 2010 to about 21,500 in the 2020 census and that was largely due to an increase in the Latino population. One of the goals of the study was to find ways to better connect the immigrant population with the overall community.

The study recommended several action items including small business and entrepreneur support, developing an immigrant resource center, expanding the city’s trail system and making more options for affordable living. The study recommends a new neighborhood called Freeman Village to support first time homebuyers.

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